Pipem: Add your GitHub project

3 min readDec 31, 2022


Today I want to show you how to monitor a GitHub project with Pipem.

GitHub Token

The first thing that we need is the Personal Access Token (PAT) to query the GitHub API, you can generate it from this page https://github.com/settings/tokens.

We have selected the “Classic Token” and we give to its this permissions:

Name and expiration are up to you, but remember to generate a new token when this will be expired.

The PAT will be something like this:


Add project to Pipem

Now we can add a GitHub project to Pipem.

On the left menu, click on “Projects”

Now click the plus button on the top right, here there is a list of available providers, we have these:

Click on GitHub icon

In this example we are going to add the repository “pipem” on the “pipem-io” organization.

  • username/organization: pipem-io
  • repository name: pipem

If you want to look what’s inside this repository go here https://github.com/pipem-io/pipem/actions.

When the form is fulfilled click on “test & save” button.

If we have done all correctly we will have this page:

As you can see, in this repository there is only the pipeline “Helm Chart Release” that we are not currently monitoring.

To add it to monitoring, click on the gray button on the right.

The pipeline is add, but no data is yet downloaded.

To download data, we have two possibilities:

  • force scan every time that we want to download new data
  • set an automatic scan every some minutes (cron)

Both possibilities are managed in the bottom of the project page:

  • scan interval (cron)
  • force scan (manual)

We have setted to make a scan every 4h, and, because we want to download history data now, we have clicked on “force scan”.

In the image above, the button “force scan” is disabled because we have already clicked on it (when the scan is completed the button will be back enabled).

Now, we can go to the “dashboard” page and we will view the card about just added project.




Written by Pipem

Pipeline Monitoring made easy

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